Jul 5, 2011 | file_sharing, Microsoft, Office, Office 365, web_services
Previously: Office 365 Part 1 – Overview Office 365 Part 2 – The Evolution Of Exchange Online Sharepoint Online sets up an online portal that a business can use for a number of different things: Documents can be stored online with rich controls for sharing files...
Jul 2, 2011 | Microsoft, Office, Office 365, Outlook, SBS, web_services
Previously: Office 365 Part 1 – Overview Exchange Online is the compelling piece of Office 365 for small businesses and law firms. Even the smallest business should be considering the advantages of using Exchange to run its mail system, and Office 365 is now the...
Jun 30, 2011 | business, Microsoft, Office, Office 365, Outlook, web_services
Microsoft Office 365 is now available for small businesses. It is the most visible part of Microsoft’s efforts to migrate from shrink-wrapped software to services delivered online – “cloud” computing, in the current catchphrase. There is something of interest in...
Jun 29, 2011 | Adobe, Microsoft, Office, updates
Did your computer start last night? Mine did! Boy, was I surprised! Ha ha! No, seriously, I was surprised. And sometimes I don’t like surprises. MICROSOFT Microsoft automatically installs updates on the second Tuesday of each month. It occasionally pushes out more...
Jun 27, 2011 | Microsoft, Office, Office 365, Outlook, web_services
Tomorrow morning at 7am PDT, Steve Ballmer will host a webcast announcing the general availability of Office 365, Microsoft’s next generation of online services. This is a huge undertaking by Microsoft to convince small and medium businesses to move their mail,...
Jun 22, 2011 | mail, Microsoft, Outlook, web_services
Microsoft’s hosted Exchange mail service went down again this morning. Apparently service is now restored and most people are able to get back online, as of about 10:45am. I haven’t lost faith in this service – it has too many advantages for that. But there have been...