Feb 11, 2011 | mail, Microsoft, Outlook, security, web_services
Previously: Fear of Exchange Moving Mail Online With Microsoft Online Services Details About Microsoft Online Services Some background, then some specific instructions about how to deal with the password for Microsoft Online Services. Sections below: Background Change...
Jan 30, 2011 | Microsoft, security, software, updates, Vista, Windows7, WinXP
If you use Microsoft Security Essentials for antivirus protection, keep an eye on the icon in the lower right. The exclamation point means it’s ready to install the upgrade to version 2, released a few weeks ago as a manual upgrade and now being rolled out to everyone...
Jan 25, 2011 | bruceb, business, computers, laptops, Microsoft, software, Vista, web_services, Windows7, WinXP
Previously: Bruceb Consulting Offers New Patch Management Service Yesterday I announced that my monitoring software will also install patches and updates for my clients. Let me give you a few more details about that service. This works just as well for home computers...
Jan 19, 2011 | Android, Apple, iPad, Microsoft, mobile, Office, OneNote, phone, software, web_services, Windows Live
Microsoft announced today that it is making OneNote Mobile for the iPhone available as a free download from the iTunes store. Here’s a Microsoft blog about the new release. This has a bit of a back story that deserves telling. OneNote basics Every version of...
Jan 13, 2011 | Apple, iPad, Microsoft, mobile, phone, tablet, web_services
I’m going to tell you a story about one of the little problems that came up yesterday – just a random illustration of why my hair is thin and I occasionally start openly weeping for no apparent reason. This one happens to involve an iPhone, an iPad, and a hosted...
Jan 7, 2011 | Android, Apple, business, Google, hardware, iPad, laptops, Microsoft, tablet
The Consumer Electronics Show is keeping gadget freaks happy in Las Vegas this week. I can’t begin to tell you anything in depth – it is a frenzied scene, with close to a hundred thousand people looking at devices from literally thousands of exhibitors. Only a...