Nov 18, 2010 | backup, business, computers, hardware, Home_Server, Microsoft, network, SBS, software, Vista, Windows7, WinXP
Previously: The Future Of Small Office Technology History Lesson, Part 1: Small Business Server Some of Microsoft’s best technology has been overlooked for three years, hobbled by a poorly chosen name and a market that wasn’t ready for it. Microsoft is about to take...
Nov 16, 2010 | domains, Microsoft, network, SBS
Previously: The Future Of Small Office Technology It’s hard to remember how much of an impact Small Business Server had on small offices when Microsoft released the first version in 2000. Until then, nothing had been available that would let a small business run a...
Nov 15, 2010 | business, domains, Home_Server, Microsoft, Office, SBS
Over the past few weeks, Microsoft has laid out the technology that will power small offices for the foreseeable future. When these are on the market (likely within the next 3-6 months), the landscape for small businesses will be completely different than anything you...
Nov 11, 2010 | Adobe, Microsoft, Office, security, updates
Microsoft’s Patch Tuesday has come and gone this week with a very small number of patches for Office programs and nothing at all for Windows. Most of your computers restarted Tuesday night. You’re likely to also be seeing prompts this week to update Adobe Flash...
Oct 28, 2010 | Microsoft, Office, software, updates, Vista, Windows Live, Windows7
Previously: The Good And The Bad In Windows Live Essentials 2011 If you have Windows 7 or Vista, you might have seen the Windows Update icon down by the clock this week, alerting you to available updates. Opening Windows Update reveals an “Important Update” ready to...
Oct 27, 2010 | mail, Microsoft, photos, software, video, Vista, web_services, Windows Live, Windows7
The good news is that Microsoft has released Windows Live Essentials 2011, an updated collection of free programs that are well designed and useful additions to Vista and Windows 7. The bad news is that you almost certainly don’t want all of them, and Microsoft has...