Sep 7, 2010 | Google, IE, Internet, Microsoft, software
or, How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love Google Chrome I am conservative about installing software. I don’t want programs on my computers unless I intend to use them. The first thing I do with a new computer is remove unnecessary utilities and cruddy photo programs...
Sep 3, 2010 | business, Microsoft, Office, software
This week’s installment of Annoying Checkboxes is sponsored by Microsoft, which has already brought you the annoying checkbox to install the “Bing Toolbar” – the one that has to be unchecked every single time you install an update to Java. Since Java is updated...
Sep 1, 2010 | mail, Microsoft, Outlook, phone, SBS, web_services
Previously: Fear of Exchange Moving Mail Online With Microsoft Online Services Small businesses should strongly consider having their Outlook mailboxes hosted on Exchange Servers run by Microsoft for a small monthly fee. I’m going to recommend this to a number of my...
Aug 26, 2010 | Microsoft, Outlook, phone, SBS, web_services
It feels as if the smartphone revolution has happened overnight. I am simply astonished at the number of business people and lawyers getting iPhones from AT&T and Android phones from Verizon. I rarely saw them in businesses a year ago – they were still perceived...
Aug 20, 2010 | business, mail, Microsoft, Outlook, SBS
I’m strongly urging my clients running Small Business Server to move their mailboxes to online hosted Exchange servers. I’ll give you a bit of background and tell you an anecdote to explain why Exchange frightens me, then tell you more about Microsoft Online Services...
Aug 5, 2010 | business, Google, law, Microsoft, SBS, security, web_services
Previously: The Sad State Of Law Office Software I’m going to work up to specific products, but let’s start with the concept of storing valuable, confidential data in the cloud, on servers run by some big company. As a lawyer in a small firm, think of the scariest...