Fear Of Exchange

I’m strongly urging my clients running Small Business Server to move their mailboxes to online hosted Exchange servers. I’ll give you a bit of background and tell you an anecdote to explain why Exchange frightens me, then tell you more about Microsoft Online Services...

Critical Windows Update

Microsoft released a patch yesterday that should be installed promptly on all Windows computers. Most of you will find that it was installed automatically on Monday night. If your computer restarted last night, you’re almost certainly fine – but be alert in case the...

OneNote 2010 – Outlook Integration

Previously: OneNote 2010 – Introduction OneNote 2010 has been tightly integrated into Outlook, as well as Word, Powerpoint, and Internet Explorer. It opens up a completely new way to use OneNote – almost as an accessory to those programs rather than a standalone...

OneNote 2010 – Introduction

Microsoft OneNote 2010 is the best reason to buy Microsoft Office 2010. It was already a hidden treasure in Office 2007, and the improvements in the new version take it to a new level. OneNote 2010 is so good that you should consider buying Office 2010 just to get it....