Aug 27, 2009 | Google, IE, Internet, Microsoft, web_services
Microsoft’s new search engine Bing is an interesting alternative to Google. In my experience, search results with Bing are at least equivalent to Google and frequently better in some way, particularly when the left-hand column includes a useful way to narrow down the...
Aug 25, 2009 | humor, Microsoft
Here’s a comparison of a picture that was used on Microsoft’s US web site and the same picture on Microsoft’s Polish web site. Microsoft is taking some well-deserved heat today for photoshopping out the black guy’s head and replacing it with a white guy’s head. It’s...
Aug 17, 2009 | Microsoft, software, Vista, Windows7
An interesting trend – our computers are going flat. As display resolutions increased, Microsoft and program designers were able to get more details into icons and toolbars. Buttons and icons picked up distinctly 3D appearances, with shading and gradients and shadowed...
Aug 16, 2009 | Apple, computers, hardware, Microsoft, software, Vista, Windows7, WinXP
I wish we could count on the software and hardware vendors to play fair and treat us well, but it’s not happening. We have to take responsibility for our computers. When Windows XP/Vista/7 is installed on a freshly formatted hard drive, it is secure, rock-solid,...
Aug 3, 2009 | computers, hardware, laptops, Microsoft, mobile, netbooks, Windows7
When Windows 7 arrives in a few months, it will be accompanied by new hardware that is just now coming into focus. You might find yourself buying more computers than you expect in the next 6-12 months. Desktop computers will be the least changed. Intel has already...
Jul 13, 2009 | Microsoft, Office, Outlook, software, web_services
The bloggers were buzzing about Microsoft Office 2010 today, after Microsoft gave a nice presentation at a Partner Conference. The new Office suites won’t be on the market until early next year and there are some important questions that were not answered today, so...