Jun 8, 2009 | Microsoft, security, Vista, WinXP
Microsoft will release ten updates for Windows and Microsoft Office tonight, following its usual monthly schedule. Leave your computer on and expect it to restart overnight.In addition, Adobe will release updates on Tuesday, the first quarterly security updates for...
Jun 7, 2009 | Adobe, Apple, backup, IE, Microsoft, security, Vista, WinXP
Here’s an updated list of ways to be safe and secure with your computer. Install updates from Microsoft promptly. Look in the lower right corner for the gold shield (WinXP) or update icon (Vista). Install updates to Acrobat, Flash, Java, and Quicktime promptly. Each...
May 28, 2009 | Google, Microsoft, search, web_services
It turns out that there is room to compete with Google. Two services have turned up that look like interesting alternatives for online searches.You know what it means to search for something in Google: put in a search term, get a list of results. Frequently the top...
May 25, 2009 | Google, Microsoft, web_services
Google and Microsoft have each created a way for you to create an online “account” to tie their various services together. They’re confusing and a little frustrating sometimes. Let’s do a quick review. Google Account signup page Windows Live ID signup page Think about...
May 21, 2009 | hardware, Microsoft, software, web_services
It happens all the time. I stumble on something basic online that I’ve never seen or heard of before, even though I read about Windows technology for 16 or 17 hours every day to avoid working. Apparently Microsoft has had the “Microsoft Update Catalog” since 2007 as a...
May 13, 2009 | humor, Internet, Microsoft
If you have five minutes free, click here for a moderately amusing video from Microsoft about the history of the Internet.