Jan 12, 2011 | Android, Apple, Google, iPad, mobile, phone, tablet, wireless
You probably saw the news that Verizon will begin selling a version of the iPhone that will run on its network starting February 10. We’re very conscious of Verizon’s business plans in the North Bay, since AT&T’s presence up here is feeble at best and Sprint and...
Dec 28, 2010 | Android, Apple, computers, mobile, phone, shopping, Windows7
You may be wondering where to start with the shiny new technology that appeared under the tree – after all, there are reportedly 200,000 Android apps and almost 500,000 iPhone apps, of which possibly 14 are worthwhile. How do you find the good ones? Engadget...
Dec 22, 2010 | Android, business, mail, mobile, Outlook, phone
I’m going to show you an app for Android phones and tablets that is not for everybody – but a few of you will like it quite a lot, and it might give the rest of you something to think about. The prerequisites: EXCHANGE It’s increasingly common for small business...
Dec 20, 2010 | backup, file_sharing, mobile, photos, software, updates, web_services
Dropbox is high on the list of essential utilities. It has been in an extended testing period but a few days ago the official ultra-stable Version 1.0 was released. I’ve written about Dropbox frequently. The basic concept is easy: Dropbox is a free program to sync...
Oct 4, 2010 | Apple, Google, mobile, phone, remote, security, web_services
Verizon has introduced a new service that anyone with an Android phone should set up right away. It significantly enhances the security of the phone and adds some important features to make the phone easier to use. Oh, and it’s likely to be free for most of you....
Sep 30, 2010 | broadband, laptops, mobile, wireless
Wireless networks are convenient and likely to be the way most of us get our network and Internet connections in the future. Wireless networks are a huge pain and nearly incomprehensible. Both of those things are true. Wireless technology has come a long way since the...