Apr 19, 2020 | Android, Apple, mail, Microsoft, mobile, Office tips, Outlook, search
When you search your email in Outlook, you might see three messages chosen as “Top results” by sophisticated AI & machine learning algorithms. Well, it’s supposed to be smart algorithms. At the moment, the three “Top results” appear...
Jan 22, 2020 | Android, Apple, backup, Chrome, computers, Facebook, Google, Internet, laptops, LastPass, mail, mobile, phone, security, software, spam, web_services, Windows10, Windows7
These are the rules for computer and online safety in 2020. You can download a copy here. Only your vigilance will protect you against bad guys. You will be safe if you are cautious. Stop and think before you click on links, before you call unfamiliar phone...
Jan 8, 2020 | Android, Apple, broadband, mobile, phone
Previously: 5G Will Be Important, But Not In 2020 The carriers’ 5G upgrade will change our world over the next ten to fifteen years. That’s not the message you’ll get from the onslaught of advertising in 2020, which will urge you to upgrade your...
Jan 6, 2020 | Android, Apple, broadband, mobile, phone
We are about to be assaulted. An overwhelming advertising blitz will begin in earnest in 2020, trying to convince you that you should upgrade your phone and your mobile service contract to 5G now now now. Maybe you’ve already begun to see advertising by phone...
Dec 23, 2019 | bruceb, business, Chrome, Facebook, Google, Google Home, home assistants, LastPass, mail, Microsoft, mobile, news, Office, Office 365, OneDrive, Outlook, phone, Politics, Privacy, security, Windows10
(This will be the last Bruceb News article until I recover from an upcoming business conference trip to Hawaii. Happy holidays!) I think I accomplished two goals in 2019: writing articles about privacy and security that were so terrifying that they kept you awake at...
Nov 13, 2019 | Android, Apple, mail, Microsoft, mobile, Office 365, Outlook, phone, spam
On January 31, 2020, there won’t be any more clutter in Outlook. Oh, you’ll still get just as many unimportant messages as before, but they won’t be sorted into a Clutter folder. Instead, you’ll use Microsoft’s replacement, Focused Inbox,...