Nov 3, 2008 | business, file_sharing, IE, Internet, Microsoft, mobile, Office, software
There are lots of projects intended to move our computing lives online. Let me try to paint a picture of where our world is heading over the next 5-10 years. I’ll use Microsoft projects as examples but keep in mind that other companies have similar projects and...
Oct 30, 2008 | Apple, file_sharing, Internet, Microsoft, mobile, remote, software, Vista, web_services, WinXP
Windows Live Mesh has just been updated, as of about noon on Thursday 10/30. If you are using it already, you will be notified to install the update; it will stop working until the update is installed on each computer running it. If you are not using it yet, it has...
Oct 26, 2008 | file_sharing, Microsoft, mobile, web_services
If you’re using my favorite web service Live Mesh, watch for an update in the next few days. It will be required to continue using Live Mesh; file sharing and remote access will go dead until the update is installed. I’m going to do a backup of the files...
Oct 21, 2008 | computers, Dell, Internet, Microsoft, mobile, phone, photos, remote, SBS, software, web_services
Access everywhere! Lots of interesting services are being set up to make it easy for you to have access to files, folders, photos, and computers from anywhere, whether it’s working on an office computer from home or bringing up pictures from your home computer...
Oct 6, 2008 | Apple, audio, mobile, Outlook, phone, software
Apple’s software for Windows has been causing problems on more and more of my clients’ computers. I’ve been wrestling with bluescreens caused by iTunes, file extensions hijacked by Quicktime, and now I’m suspicious that an uninvited service has...
Sep 29, 2008 | Apple, audio, Google, mail, mobile, phone, SBS
T-Mobile introduced the first cell phone based on Google’s Android operating system to much fanfare a few days ago. Although Android has some interesting features and much promise, I don’t expect to see anyone holding the T-Mobile G1 in Sonoma County for a...