Jan 2, 2008 | audio, business, DRM, Internet, mobile, phone, photos, SBS, video, web_services
In 2007, we started to work with Windows Vista, bought lots of handheld devices, and started to move things online – our mail, our photos, our movies. What will 2008 bring? It will start with lots more of the same. Many of you will get your first Windows Vista...
Dec 20, 2007 | audio, DRM, hardware, mobile, phone, software
Microsoft has a name problem. I used to think that Microsoft had learned a lesson from the years of confusion and frustration caused by the similar names for “Outlook” and “Outlook Express,” two programs that were not even remotely related. The...
Dec 7, 2007 | Amazon, Apple, audio, business, DRM, Microsoft, mobile, phone, web_services
The music industry is in complete disarray; the shift away from CDs is irreversible and most consumers simply expect music to be free. The recording industry’s hostility, arrogance, and litigation tactics have alienated everyone, making it harder for the...
Dec 4, 2007 | business, Google, mobile, phone, wireless
Verizon’s announcement that it would open up its network next year to devices not sold in Verizon stores made headlines and generated lots of online buzz. It is a welcome development from a notoriously closed company and Verizon deserves kudos for stepping...
Dec 3, 2007 | business, mobile, software, web_services
The New York Times has a software-based version of the paper that – for the first time – makes it possible to imagine mornings without a newspaper printed on dead trees. The New York Times Reader can be installed for thirty days for free; a subscription...
Nov 12, 2007 | Internet, mobile, web_services
Some of you may have another reason to consider setting up Bloglines to organize your list of the websites that you read daily: it’s immediately useful on a mobile device with an Internet browser. (Here’s my short introduction to blogs and Bloglines.)More...