Sep 8, 2019 | Android, Apple, business, Google, Google Home, home assistants, Microsoft, mobile, search
When you search for the phone number for Bruceb Consulting, Google shows the phone number. Does that seem obvious? It’s a relatively recent change. Google only began serious efforts to provide One True Answer to search queries a few years ago. It completely...
Jun 9, 2019 | augmented reality, games, mobile, phone
All of the interesting developments in technology in 2019 are happening in the video game industry, a result of new technologies combined with savvy marketing to draw in audiences of all ages, driven by far larger amounts of money than you realize. Everything else in...
Jan 27, 2019 | Android, Apple, backup, Chrome, computers, Facebook, Google, Internet, laptops, LastPass, mail, mobile, phone, security, software, spam, web_services, Windows10, Windows7
These are the rules for computer and online safety in 2019. You can download a copy here. Only your vigilance will protect you against bad guys. You will be safe if you are cautious. Stop and think before you click on links, before you call unfamiliar phone numbers,...
Jan 16, 2019 | Amazon, Android, Apple, backup, Chrome, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, mobile, Office, Office 365, OneDrive, phone, Samsung, Skype, web_services, Windows10, wireless
I wrote an article a few years ago about how difficult it is for non-tech people to manage the fiddly bits required to run a Windows computer. It’s one of the things that drove the transition from computers to phone and tablets. An interesting thing is happening...
Apr 11, 2018 | Android, Apple, business, Chromebook, Google, IE, Internet, Microsoft, mobile, Office, Office 365, OneDrive, phone, Windows 10 S, Windows10
We have arrived at a point where Microsoft no longer has a Windows division. To a generation of computer users, Windows was the product that defined Microsoft and defined our own relationship to technology. Now that defining product is a legacy, used by many but...
Jan 30, 2018 | Android, Apple, backup, computers, Google, Internet, iPad, laptops, LastPass, Microsoft, mobile, phone, security, web_services, Windows10, Windows7
These are the rules for computer and online safety in 2018. You can download a copy here. You will be safe if you are cautious. Stop and think before you click on links, before you call unfamiliar phone numbers, before you install programs, and before you fill in...
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