Nov 18, 2002 | hardware, mobile
As expected, Dell announced two new Pocket PC handhelds, breaking new ground for low prices at $199 and $299. Each has comparatively generous amounts of memory, built-in slots for CompactFlash and Secure Digital/MMC cards, and all the usual features that go along with...
Oct 8, 2002 | hardware, mobile
You may not realize it, but Palm is struggling for its life, and many analysts don’t expect it to be in the handheld market for much longer – perhaps a few years, no more. I think the devices running Microsoft PocketPC software are far superior to Palms –...
Jun 29, 2002 | hardware, mobile
I’ve been wrestling with more Palm devices than usual for the last few weeks. (Normally Palms are simple and troublefree, but they’re incredibly annoying when they go crazy and decide not to sync any more or whatever.) It’s left me wishing I could convince more...
Mar 25, 2002 | mobile, news
According to a new study (reported in the Guardian Unlimited Observer), the thumbs of people under 25 have become the hand’s most muscled and dextrous digits. Almost all people over 25 rely on their forefinger as their hand’s primary tools, but under-25s...