Feb 17, 2019 | Amazon, Echo, Google, Google Home, home assistants, news, Politics, science, security
I’m trying to get my thoughts in order for a couple of long articles about how to think about privacy in our world of surveillance by giant tech companies. That’s not quite ready yet. Now, now, don’t be disappointed, get a grip on yourself – it...
Jan 9, 2019 | Amazon, Apple, business, news, Politics
The Chinese government has put secret spy chips on US government servers. They’re stealing secrets from Apple and Amazon. And the US government is engaged in a massive effort to prevent us from learning anything about it, for unknown reasons. Maybe. How about this:...
Dec 16, 2018 | Facebook, Google, news, Politics
A famous thought experiment shows how an AI could be designed with good intentions and without malice, and still wind up destroying humanity. Imagine that an artificial intelligence is told to maximize production of paperclips. Through an oversight it is not...
Jul 29, 2018 | news, Politics, security
There is a difference between Russian hacking, on the one hand; and Russian meddling in American society and interfering with our election, on the other hand. The terms are used interchangeably and imprecisely in news coverage. Let’s try for clarity. Knowing the...
Jul 22, 2018 | news, security
The Perfect Weapon by New York Times national security correspondent David Sanger, is the most important book you will read this year. Before I describe the book, let me start with something essential to know about it: The Perfect Weapon reads like a thriller. It does...