Jul 23, 2017 | Dell, Microsoft, Office, Office tips, software, Windows10
Previously: What To Do When Excel Opens . . . Very . . . Slowly . . . Windows is weird. A year ago I wrote an article about an Excel bug: occasionally there is a 30-60 second delay after clicking on an .XLSX file before the Excel logo appears and the file opens. I...
Nov 27, 2016 | Box, Dropbox, Microsoft, Office, Office 365, Office tips, OneDrive, OneNote, Outlook, web_services
A difficult part of using technology in 2016 is simply remembering what tools we have at our disposal. It’s all well and good for me to report on all the swell new programs and services that are available, but that doesn’t do any good if you don’t remember which one...
Jul 19, 2016 | Office, Office tips, Windows10
Followup 07/2017: A Possible Fix For The Excel Slow File Opening Bug This bug only affects a small number of people, but it’s an interesting one because it’s been a problem for almost a year and there’s still no clear understanding of what’s going on. It happens on...
Jun 22, 2016 | Office, Office 365, Office tips, Outlook
Here’s the story of an odd Outlook 2016 bug that you might run into. Microsoft has been urging everyone with an Office 365 license for the Office programs to update to Office 2016. It’s a modest upgrade at best, as the programs are virtually identical to the 2013...
Aug 23, 2015 | mail, Office, Office 365, Office tips, Outlook
Here’s a tip about an Outlook feature that only a few people will appreciate – but if you’re one of those people, you might like it a lot. If you sort your incoming email into folders, a simple change will result in your replies being filed automatically in the same...
May 3, 2015 | mail, Office, Office 365, Office tips, Outlook, software
If you have a large Office 365 mailbox, Outlook 2010 may be slowing down even if your computer is otherwise running at full speed. A new feature in Outlook 2013 – the “sync slider” – might improve performance significantly, and as a nice bonus you would also get...