Feb 6, 2013 | mail, Office, Office 365, Office tips, Outlook, software
Previously: Office 365 Home Premium: The View From 36,000 Feet New Features In Office 2013 – UI, Skydrive, Word Continuing our look at a handful of new features in the updated Office suite, in case any of them get you all excited. (Hey, don’t laugh – I have to sit...
Feb 3, 2013 | file_sharing, Office, Office 365, Office tips, OneDrive, software
Previously: Office 365 Home Premium: The View From 36,000 Feet All the attention is focused on the subscription-based licensing of the new Office suite, but at some point you’re likely to wonder if anything has changed in the programs themselves that would make you...
Jan 9, 2013 | Office, Office tips, Outlook
You can open Outlook in multiple windows – one window displaying your inbox, for example, one window displaying your calendar, one window displaying your contacts. It can be far easier to switch between windows than to switch from one section of Outlook to another....