Aug 26, 2015 | Adobe, Office, printers, Windows10
Windows 10 finally includes a “Print To PDF” driver, allowing you to create PDFs from most programs without Acrobat or any other third-party program. It’s got an interesting limitation (more about that below) but it might be enough for some offices to avoid paying...
Aug 23, 2015 | mail, Office, Office 365, Office tips, Outlook
Here’s a tip about an Outlook feature that only a few people will appreciate – but if you’re one of those people, you might like it a lot. If you sort your incoming email into folders, a simple change will result in your replies being filed automatically in the same...
Jul 26, 2015 | Apple, Microsoft, Office, Office 365, OneNote, Outlook, software
Microsoft has released Office 2016 For Mac, a long overdue refresh of the Office programs that makes the Mac programs visually and functionally identical to the Windows versions. The updated Office programs are available now to anyone with an Office 365 subscription...
Jul 19, 2015 | Android, Apple, laptops, Microsoft, Office, phone, Skype, Surface, tablet, Windows Phone 8, Windows10
In 1980, Bill Gates declared that Microsoft’s goal was to put a computer on every desk and in every home. In 2015 Microsoft will announce that it can put a computer in every pocket. Later this year, Microsoft is going to introduce smartphones that turn into computers,...
Jun 25, 2015 | Android, Box, Dropbox, iPad, Microsoft, mobile, Office, Office 365, OneDrive, OneNote, Outlook, phone
Word, Excel and Powerpoint apps are now available for Android phones, joining OneNote and Outlook. The Office programs are already available on iPhones, iPads and Android tablets. The first phase of Microsoft’s Office Everywhere strategy is now complete; the Office...
Jun 14, 2015 | Android, Apple, Box, Dropbox, Google Drive, iPad, Microsoft, Office, Office 365, OneDrive, phone, tablet, web_services
Previously: The Threat That Nearly Destroyed Microsoft Office Microsoft opened the Office programs to third party cloud services in February. Since then, connections have been added at a dizzying pace for directly accessing files stored in other services. Dropbox and...