Jun 12, 2017 | Adobe, Chrome, Google, Office, Outlook, Windows tips, Windows10
One of the first things everyone does with a new Windows 10 computer is install basic programs and utilities and set defaults so files open in the right program. This is a quick note for people who want to use Acrobat DC or Acrobat Reader to open PDFs, using “Set your...
May 31, 2017 | Microsoft, Office, Office 365, Outlook, updates
The programs in Microsoft’s Office suite should be as solid as a rock. Lately that phrase doesn’t seem to mean what it used to mean. The core Office programs are mature. They’re downright elderly. Microsoft Word and Excel are more than thirty years old. The Outlook...
Feb 1, 2017 | IE, Microsoft, Office, Office 365, OneDrive, Outlook, Skype, Windows10, Windows7, Windows8
Microsoft has a problem with names. It needs to seek help. I would suggest sympathy but I’m not feeling very sympathetic. If you’re an old timer, you may remember when Outlook was a mail program that ran on Windows computers. Those were simpler times. It’s still that,...
Jan 29, 2017 | Microsoft, Office, Office 365, Outlook, updates
Let me tell you about an infuriating bug. It is pointless and stupid and represents Microsoft carelessness at its worst. It has existed for at least six months. It only affects a few people, but those people have no good way to discover how to fix it. I can find no...
Dec 21, 2016 | Apple, augmented reality, Chromebook, Google, hardware, LinkedIn, Microsoft, news, Office, Office 365, Outlook, security, Windows10, wireless
Did you miss any Bruceb News articles in 2016? Maybe they slipped out of sight in your Inbox. Fun fact: when I look over my clients’ shoulders, I see that many of them file my articles in folders that have whimsical names like “Deleted Items” and “Junk Mail.”...
Nov 27, 2016 | Box, Dropbox, Microsoft, Office, Office 365, Office tips, OneDrive, OneNote, Outlook, web_services
A difficult part of using technology in 2016 is simply remembering what tools we have at our disposal. It’s all well and good for me to report on all the swell new programs and services that are available, but that doesn’t do any good if you don’t remember which one...