Aug 23, 2006 | photos, software, WinXP
Personal computing feels sometimes like an arcane science, filled with secrets that are passed along in furtive, whispered conversations. We have too many choices, it’s too hard to make things work – and it’s not getting better.Here’s an...
Oct 9, 2005 | hardware, photos, printers
Printer prices are in free fall – down by 30% in the last few months. But here’s an article going over the numbers to explain why more people are taking their camera’s memory cards to Costco or getting their prints from an online service instead of...
Aug 10, 2005 | photos, software
There are a thousand ways to transfer photos from your camera to a computer. None of them are wrong, but it’s all too easy to get lost in a blur of unfamiliar programs fighting for control of the process and making it confusing.I have a recipe that has proven to...
Jan 21, 2005 | Google, photos, software
Google seems genuinely committed to making the world a better place. (Example: A client just mentioned this news story from last week – Google’s AdWords division, responsible for the contextual ads that appear alongside search results, insists that...