Sep 21, 2016 | Apple, Google, Microsoft, phone, Politics, security
It’s not your imagination: robocalls are on the increase. The volume of robocalls has risen sharply in 2016. Complaints are up. The government and big companies are taking new steps to try to rein in the scammers and perhaps tame the “legitimate” telemarketers. It may...
Sep 8, 2016 | news, Politics, security
If you have any illusion that privacy means anything, forget it. If you are targeted for surveillance, there is nothing you can do to prevent it. Every keystroke on your computer will be logged. Everything you do on a phone – every message, every call, everything –...
Feb 24, 2016 | Android, Apple, Google, news, Politics, security
There are three points that are frequently overlooked in the debate about the FBI’s demand that Apple provide custom access to a terrorist’s locked iPhone. • Apple is not defying a court order • The FBI is seeking a broad precedent ...
Jan 10, 2012 | DRM, Internet, law, Politics
Noted science fiction author and Boing Boing curator Cory Doctorow delivered an important speech last month in London, explaining why attempts by copyright owners to lock down computers and web sites inevitably lead to surveillance and censorship, and how the...
Apr 27, 2010 | Adobe, law, news, Office, Politics, security
In December the Transportation Security Administration released its airport security screening procedure guidelines with redactions that failed to remove the underlying text. (Boing Boing: “Unfortunately, the security geniuses at the DHS don’t know that drawing...