Mar 23, 2007 | business, news, Politics
On March 9 the Justice Department’s inspector general revealed that the FBI has been systematically abusing its expanded power to issue “national security letters” and obtain private information about US citizens and residents from telephone...
Oct 6, 2004 | Internet, Politics
An amusing technology note from the debate last night. Dick Cheney responded to charges about Halliburton by urging viewers to go to “, an independent Web site sponsored by the University of Pennsylvania, [to] get the specific details with respect...
Nov 25, 2003 | law, Politics
I’m a fan of politically correct speech. I think it’s important to avoid using expressions that perpetuate stereotypes, even if it’s reasonably clear that the words are meant kindly or inoffensively. But. Following complaints by someone within the...
Sep 30, 2002 | news, Politics
MSNBC has a wonderful article about an unexpected side effect of global warming – huge ice blocks, 22 lbs or more, which form in the upper atmosphere on clear days and fall to earth, smashing car windshields and ripping holes in houses. Don’t look at me like that –...