Jul 17, 2019 | Google, Internet, news, Politics, security
Media literacy – being able to recognize phishing messages, disinformation, and scams – has become one of the most important skills needed to survive in the 21st century. Your children may take classes in media literacy before long; lawmakers and educators are working...
Apr 21, 2019 | Adobe, DRM, law, news, Politics
The Justice Department hand-delivered Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s 448-page report to Congress on Thursday morning – on CD-ROMs. Isn’t that the cutest thing? House Judiciary Committee staff looked in the closets and found a computer with a working CD-ROM drive....
Mar 31, 2019 | Facebook, Google, Internet, news, Politics
We believe in freedom of speech in the US, except when people actually exercise it. Then we discover there are lots of people who should be seen but not heard – and a fair number that we wish we couldn’t see, either. Governments, regulators and large tech companies...
Mar 17, 2019 | Amazon, Apple, business, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Politics, Privacy
A series of articles about privacy and trust in the era of tech overlords. • Part 1: Data about you is being gathered by the big tech companies (as well as many other companies) in startling ways. Their ability to analyze that data and predict your behavior is...
Mar 11, 2019 | Android, Apple, Facebook, Google, Politics, Privacy, security, WeChat
A series of articles about privacy and trust in the era of tech overlords. • Part 1: Data about you is being gathered by the big tech companies (as well as many other companies) in startling ways. Their ability to analyze that data and predict your behavior is...
Mar 3, 2019 | Amazon, business, Google, Microsoft, Politics, Privacy, security
A series of articles about privacy and trust in the era of tech overlords. • Part 1: Data about you is being gathered by the big tech companies (as well as many other companies) in startling ways. Their ability to analyze that data and predict your behavior is...