Annoying Checkboxes, HP Style

Previously: Annoying Checkboxes (Microsoft Office) Ban The Check (Java, iTunes) This week’s installment of Annoying Checkboxes comes to us courtesy of HP, always a reliable source of installation routines that take too long and bloat your system with too much crud....

Windows 7 Printer Setup

Here are a few anecdotes about setting up printers and scanners on new Windows 7 computers. When Windows 7 connects to a new device, it attempts to install drivers automatically, and goes online to Microsoft if it can’t find drivers locally. It is successful so often...


It seems we’re constantly buying printers to replace the ones that break before their time. A quick word of advice if you buy an HP printer: don’t put that installation CD in the drive! The chances are good that you’ll wind up with hundreds of megabytes of bloated...


The headline tells the story of this Microsoft Knowledge Base article: Severe system performance problems occur on a Windows Vista or Windows XP-based computer after you install HP printer software, version 11 (Microsoft KB960673) To be honest, I don’t know if...