Oct 11, 2010 | business, hardware, HP, printers, software, spam
Previously: Annoying Checkboxes (Microsoft Office) Ban The Check (Java, iTunes) This week’s installment of Annoying Checkboxes comes to us courtesy of HP, always a reliable source of installation routines that take too long and bloat your system with too much crud....
May 9, 2010 | hardware, printers, software, Windows7
Here are a few anecdotes about setting up printers and scanners on new Windows 7 computers. When Windows 7 connects to a new device, it attempts to install drivers automatically, and goes online to Microsoft if it can’t find drivers locally. It is successful so often...
Feb 25, 2009 | hardware, HP, printers, software
It seems we’re constantly buying printers to replace the ones that break before their time. A quick word of advice if you buy an HP printer: don’t put that installation CD in the drive! The chances are good that you’ll wind up with hundreds of megabytes of bloated...
Dec 23, 2008 | computers, hardware, HP, printers, software
The headline tells the story of this Microsoft Knowledge Base article: Severe system performance problems occur on a Windows Vista or Windows XP-based computer after you install HP printer software, version 11 (Microsoft KB960673) To be honest, I don’t know if...
Dec 5, 2008 | computers, domains, mail, Microsoft, mobile, network, OneCare, printers, SBS, security, software
Let me leave a few notes behind about some of the glitches during the migration from SBS 2003 to SBS 2008. I don’t have many answers but perhaps it will help someone to know that I’m able to commiserate with them. (Loyal clients – this is not aimed...
Jul 30, 2008 | audio, backup, broadband, bruceb, computers, file_sharing, hardware, mobile, phone, photos, printers, SBS, security, software, video, web_services
On the assumption that my choices are endlessly fascinating to an ever-growing number of people – really, really bored people – I’ve added a page with details about the hardware and software that I use here at the high-tech headquarters of bruceb...