Mar 27, 2007 | mail, Outlook, printers
Two clients reported problems printing e-mail messages from Outlook 2003 – the message headers weren’t printing, the part that shows Date:, To:, From: and Subject. In each case, it was erratic – some messages would print correctly, others would be...
Aug 1, 2006 | hardware, printers
HP’s entry level color laser printer is down to three hundred dollars. The cost of printing a monochrome page on a color laser is the same as printing the same page on a monochrome laser.Color lasers are now the preferred choice for a small office with only one...
Oct 9, 2005 | hardware, photos, printers
Printer prices are in free fall – down by 30% in the last few months. But here’s an article going over the numbers to explain why more people are taking their camera’s memory cards to Costco or getting their prints from an online service instead of...