Apple’s Unforced Error

Apple’s Unforced Error

Two weeks ago Apple announced that iPhones would begin scanning for photos involving sexual abuse and exploitation of children. Sounds like a good thing that makes the world a better place, doesn’t it? I’m sure Apple execs expected a burst of good will. Instead it...

Vaccine Passports And Made-Up Crap

Most of the arguments against vaccine passports are just made-up crap. Like many of today’s social issues, much of the opposition to Covid vaccination certificates is not actually about things like medicine and public health (or, as I like to put it, “reality”). It is...
Experian Knows Data Breaches, You Betcha!

Experian Knows Data Breaches, You Betcha!

You know the big three credit bureaus, right? It’s always entertaining to watch the gyrations of the random number they assign to each of us called a “credit score.” It’s the credit bureaus that cause your blood pressure to spike when you find out how inaccurate their...