Nov 3, 2019 | Amazon, Android, Apple, Echo, Google, Google Home, hardware, home assistants, photos, Privacy, web_services
Part 1: Ambient Computing – Buzzwords That Are Changing Your World You don’t notice an automatic door when it opens. Google, Amazon, and Apple want to make it so natural to interact with their devices that you don’t even notice that you’re...
Oct 9, 2019 | Apple, domains, Google, Microsoft, Privacy, security, web_services, Windows tips, Windows10
There are good reasons to set up a new Windows 10 PC without a Microsoft account, even if you intend to link it to a Microsoft account eventually. The bad news is that Microsoft is pushing its own agenda and using deception to hide the option of setting up a local...
Oct 6, 2019 | business, Facebook, LinkedIn, Microsoft, Privacy, spam, web_services, Windows10
I hate to interrupt the steady flow of happiness and joy in the news, but I want to call your attention to a small way that our civilization is degrading into a dystopian hell. Once I describe it, you’ll notice it everywhere. The web is filled with dark patterns...
May 12, 2019 | Android, Apple, augmented reality, Chrome, Facebook, Google, Google Home, home assistants, Microsoft, Privacy, security
Google, Microsoft, and Facebook held developer conferences last week to showcase new products and services. Google had some exciting announcements. Microsoft and Facebook, not so much. MICROSOFT Microsoft is an enterprise company. At its Build Conference, it...
Mar 17, 2019 | Amazon, Apple, business, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Politics, Privacy
A series of articles about privacy and trust in the era of tech overlords. • Part 1: Data about you is being gathered by the big tech companies (as well as many other companies) in startling ways. Their ability to analyze that data and predict your behavior is...
Mar 11, 2019 | Android, Apple, Facebook, Google, Politics, Privacy, security, WeChat
A series of articles about privacy and trust in the era of tech overlords. • Part 1: Data about you is being gathered by the big tech companies (as well as many other companies) in startling ways. Their ability to analyze that data and predict your behavior is...