Feb 17, 2021 | Chrome, Google, parents, remote, Windows tips, Windows10
Your parents need your help. Set up a remote connection to their computer so you can look over their hunched shoulders to lend a hand. It doesn’t matter if you’re not sure that you’re skilled enough – compared to them you are a wizard. I’ll give you several ways to...
Mar 30, 2020 | Azure, business, Google, Internet, Microsoft, news, remote, Teams, video, web_services
Across the globe, hundreds of millions of people are using their Internet connection more intensely than they did just a few weeks ago. Usage ramped up so quickly that the infrastructure is being stretched past its limits. I don’t have any tips. You don’t...
Mar 22, 2020 | business, remote, software, web_services, Windows tips
A lot of you are working remotely, connecting to an office computer from a home computer or laptop. Here are some tips that can improve that experience – setting your office computer not to go to sleep, two tips for dual monitors, and a way to improve a blurry...
Jan 21, 2018 | remote, web_services
In 2013 LogMeIn was free for individuals. In 2018 the exact same service from LogMeIn costs $349.99/year. That is so outlandish, so absurd, that it seems like it must be a joke. No joke. LogMeIn is a publicly traded company that offers a number of services for...
Feb 20, 2017 | Android, Apple, audio, Chrome, Chromebook, Google, remote, video
Google Chrome is a web browser. I kind of vaguely knew that it could do other cool tricks. I stumbled on a pretty amazing Chrome app that I’ve been overlooking for five years. Sometimes it seems like Google is having all the fun with new technology. With Chrome Remote...
Oct 10, 2016 | Android, Apple, remote, SBS, Server 2012
Splashtop is the best choice for remote access to office computers in small businesses. Splashtop is an alternative to LogMeIn and TeamViewer, each of which have their own problems. Splashtop is affordable, works well, has an easy learning curve, and works on...