Oct 30, 2008 | Apple, file_sharing, Internet, Microsoft, mobile, remote, software, Vista, web_services, WinXP
Windows Live Mesh has just been updated, as of about noon on Thursday 10/30. If you are using it already, you will be notified to install the update; it will stop working until the update is installed on each computer running it. If you are not using it yet, it has...
Oct 21, 2008 | computers, Dell, Internet, Microsoft, mobile, phone, photos, remote, SBS, software, web_services
Access everywhere! Lots of interesting services are being set up to make it easy for you to have access to files, folders, photos, and computers from anywhere, whether it’s working on an office computer from home or bringing up pictures from your home computer...
Oct 12, 2008 | file_sharing, Internet, Microsoft, photos, remote, software, web_services
I routinely set up a Windows Live ID for my clients when they get a new computer. There are many programs and online services in the world; Microsoft’s programs and services under the Windows Live name are well designed, free to explore, and reasonably simple...
Sep 7, 2008 | backup, hardware, Home_Server, remote
Windows Home Server deserves more recognition. It had a nasty bug that took too long to cure but that’s over now and it’s back to being the helpful tool that I described a year ago. It offers safe storage of your files and photos, easy ways to share...
Sep 4, 2008 | file_sharing, Internet, Microsoft, remote, Vista, web_services, WinXP
Microsoft’s Live Mesh service, now in beta testing, has the most promise of any of the online services. With an easy setup, you can make your files available on multiple computers, you can share files with other people, and you can access your computers...
Jul 16, 2008 | file_sharing, Microsoft, remote, web_services
Microsoft is developing a platform capable of lots of interesting tricks. I wrote about Live Mesh a few months ago; now an updated version is ready for testing and it’s quietly been made available to anyone with a Windows Live ID. You can get started at...