Oct 6, 2004 | Google, search
Google is one of the world’s best-known brands; it also supplies the technology powering searches done from scores of other web sites. As you might imagine, lots of web sites want to be the next Google. This week’s buzz is about Clusty, which takes search...
Jul 30, 2004 | Outlook, search
I’ve been using X1 to do lightning-fast searches through e-mail and contacts in Outlook, and files on my computer and on the network. A new version will be released next week that adds the ability to search for phrases, enhanced Boolean AND/OR/NOT searches, and...
Apr 22, 2004 | Outlook, search
There’s a new utility being developed that might be your new best friend. X1 indexes Outlook e-mail and contacts, as well as all your files, and does lightning-fast searches for words in them. Some of you have just had adrenaline shoot into your body. I did when...
Apr 17, 2004 | Amazon, search, web_services
Amazon.com has unveiled its own search engine, www.a9.com. Search results are drawn from Google as well as Amazon, and include search results from inside books indexed by Amazon. If you sign in with your Amazon account, you can store your search history, annotate web...
Apr 29, 2003 | Google, search, security
Google has added a new service that will make you go, hmm. Do a Google search for your home phone number. Type in the number like this: 707-xxx-xxxx. If the number is listed in the phone book, you’ll instantly get back your name, your address, and links to maps that...