Nov 27, 2001 | Google, search
Google is experimenting with different ways to rank web sites when it reports search results. Here’s an interesting article about search engines and the extraordinary things done to increase site rankings on Google and the other search engines.
Sep 4, 2001 | Outlook, search
I keep searching for the perfect way to index Outlook and my documents so information can be found easily. I’ve been using 80-20 Retriever, which integrates with Outlook, updates its index every night, and comes up with pretty good results. A bit quirky, but not...
May 24, 2001 | Outlook, search
According to this article, Outlook 2002 features indexing and search functions for all content in Exchange 2000 Server – including messages, documents, contacts, tasks, calendar items, and other data. That’s a limited feature, because most small businesses...