Oct 6, 2016 | Amazon, Android, Apple, Chrome, Cortana, Google, hardware, search, web_services
You have a vague idea that Google knows a lot about you. You’re right. Google has nothing to hide. It’s prepared to show you everything it has collected about you. Are you sure you want to know? It’s a bit . . . creepy. A few months ago Google created a tool named “My...
Jun 7, 2015 | Android, Apple, Google, photos, search, video, web_services
Google Photos is the free service introduced last week that gives you unlimited online storage space for your photos and makes them as easy to search as email or files. It has taken the world by storm, and for good reason: the data analysis transforms it into far more...
Apr 30, 2015 | Google, mobile, phone, search
Last week Google changed the rules about how websites must be designed to make Google happy and have your website rank high in search results. The “mobile friendly update” – or Mobilegeddon, as it was dubbed by tech journalists and SEO specialists – is not quite an...
Jul 20, 2014 | search, software
X1 Search 8 is a program for searching files and emails. It is not for everyone but there are some law office and small business professionals who will find that it immediately enhances productivity and quickly becomes an essential tool. Windows and Outlook are...
Apr 24, 2014 | Google, Internet, search
If you’re a small business or law firm with a website, you probably have a vague understanding of “search engine optimization” (SEO), the process that is supposed to cause your site to rank high in Google searches. SEO is constantly changing as Google adjusts its...
Dec 5, 2011 | search, Vista, Windows tips, Windows7
Previously: Windows 7 Search More About Windows 7 Search Windows 7 Searches – Small Business Windows 7 Searches – Libraries Windows 7 Searches – Search Techniques SUMMARY: Once you have some experience with Windows 7 searches, Mark Minasi has some tips for...