Google Spam

Google search results are becoming less useful. Have you noticed? I started thinking about this last fall, when I noticed that most of the Google alerts coming into my mailbox led to spam sites – sites with no real content other than random snippets vacuumed up...

Search Tools In Outlook 2010

I keep finding new things to like about Outlook 2010, which got a major overhaul this year and now features the ribbon bars that appeared in the other Office programs in Office 2007. It’s so easy to overlook things that are right in front of us onscreen! Here’s...

Searching All Mail In Outlook

One of the most powerful tools you can add to Outlook is a search folder that allows you to search through all of your messages with a single click. I wrote about Michael Linenberger’s suggestion to create an All Mail Search Folder a few months ago. If you haven’t set...

Google Instant Search

Google made a simple but profound change to the way that search results are delivered to you from the Google search page. It changes the world in a small but significant way. You will now get two things while you type: Predictions of what you’re most likely to be...

Find Mail Faster With Search Folders

Both Outlook 2003 and 2007 have an often overlooked feature named Search Folders. Look under the list of mail folders (Inbox / Outbox / Sent Items) and you’ll see a handful of default Search Folders, gathering together all the items that meet some criteria. “Unread...