May 23, 2010 | mail, Office, Outlook, search
Both Outlook 2003 and 2007 have an often overlooked feature named Search Folders. Look under the list of mail folders (Inbox / Outbox / Sent Items) and you’ll see a handful of default Search Folders, gathering together all the items that meet some criteria. “Unread...
May 17, 2010 | computers, laptops, search, Vista, Windows tips, Windows7
A lot of people are buying Windows 7 computers! Here’s a roundup of articles about new features to discover and some of the ways that Windows 7 is different than Windows XP. Click on the pictures or the titles for the original articles with all the details to help you...
May 17, 2010 | Google, mobile, phone, search, web_services
While we’re talking about smartphones, I should mention another way that your phone can use its knowledge of your location to do something interesting. Google added an unassuming link named “Near Me Now” on the Google search page on iPhones and Android phones. Click...
May 13, 2010 | Google, mobile, phone, photos, search, web_services
As I said last month, each of you might find one or two apps for a smartphone that get you all excited – the apps that you show people to demonstrate how cool your new phone is. I found mine. Google Goggles amazes me. If you’ve got an Android phone, you’ve got to...
May 12, 2010 | Google, Internet, mobile, search
Google has officially rolled out an update to its search result pages, a three column design that provides search options on the left to help refine and redirect your searches. Spend a few minutes learning about the new features – this is the basic tool that...
Apr 13, 2010 | Microsoft, network, SBS, search, Vista, Windows7, WinXP
Previously: Windows 7 Searches – Small Business Windows 7 Searches – Libraries You’ve got a Windows 7 workstation in a small business or law firm. The network server is running Windows Search 4 and you’ve added the network locations with shared files to your Documents...