Mar 29, 2010 | hardware, search, Vista, Windows7
I had to grin when I learned that a cool keyboard shortcut was literally right under my nose. Clicking on the right mouse button brings up context menus everywhere in Windows. The right-click menus have been enhanced in the Windows 7 taskbar to display previously-used...
Mar 2, 2010 | Facebook, Internet, search
Technology has left everyone feeling a bit adrift. Everyone fears that they don’t have basic skills that other people seem to have mastered – whether it’s finding files on a computer or locating information online, running programs or using handheld devices. Some...
Jan 21, 2010 | search, Vista, Windows7
There have been countless blog posts about the GodMode Windows 7 trick. If you create a new folder – on your desktop, say – named GodMode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}, you will get access to a hidden list of hundreds of Windows settings, many of which are...
Dec 8, 2009 | Outlook, SBS, search, Vista, Windows7, WinXP
Windows Search 4 is one of the most valuable services on your computer. It’s highly recommended for everyone using a Windows PC, as well as for servers in small businesses, but it is remarkably difficult to find out if it’s installed and working. I’ll give you some...
Nov 20, 2009 | Google, Internet, search
Google built its reputation on its streamlined, minimalist home page and search results, but it may change that design to add more information soon. A small number of people will randomly begin to see “Google Search Options” displayed on the left of the search results...
Oct 21, 2009 | search, Windows7
Windows 7 brings two subtle improvements to searches. As always, search results in Windows Explorer can be displayed as thumbnail images (useful for photos), as a list with or without file details, or as icons. The new part is the default presentation of search...