Nov 20, 2009 | Google, Internet, search
Google built its reputation on its streamlined, minimalist home page and search results, but it may change that design to add more information soon. A small number of people will randomly begin to see “Google Search Options” displayed on the left of the search results...
Oct 21, 2009 | search, Windows7
Windows 7 brings two subtle improvements to searches. As always, search results in Windows Explorer can be displayed as thumbnail images (useful for photos), as a list with or without file details, or as icons. The new part is the default presentation of search...
Oct 20, 2009 | search, Vista, Windows7
Many of you will buy Windows 7 computers to replace aging Windows XP systems. There will be many things to get used to, big and small, but the best change is easy to miss – Windows Search can be used everywhere to speed through almost everything you do on the...
Oct 16, 2009 | Google, Internet, search
The Google Book initiative is a huge undertaking. Google is digitizing tens of millions of books and promising to make them available to the world forever. Sergey Brin, the co-founder of Google, wrote an impassioned editorial for the New York Times a few days ago,...
Oct 15, 2009 | Adobe, Google, Internet, search
Google has been introducing new features and services at a rapid pace for the last couple of months, presumably to stave off any defections to Microsoft’s search site Bing. There’s a new link in some Google search results that might save you some time! If your search...
Oct 14, 2009 | Google, search, security
McAfee released a study a few months ago that illustrates the importance of being careful online. Most malware is installed now when you visit a rigged web site that takes advantage of a weakness in your system. Perhaps it is able to install a virus or root kit...