Jan 7, 2018 | Amazon, Android, Apple, Google, HP, Microsoft, security, Surface, updates, Windows10
Nearly every modern processor has security flaws that potentially could allow hackers to steal data from any computer or server. The two related problems, code-named Meltdown and Spectre, have the technology industry in a tizzy and spilled over to the mainsteam press...
Dec 21, 2017 | Amazon, Android, Apple, Box, bruceb, Chrome, Chromebook, Google, laptops, Microsoft, news, Office, Office 365, Outlook, phone, security, shopping, Surface, web_services, Windows 10 S, Windows10
A year ago I wrote this prediction: “The word of the year for 2017 is “chaos.” Write it down, seal it in an envelope, open it up a year from now and see if I got it right.” I think I get full marks. (Although Dictionary.com chose “complicit” as the word of the year,...
Nov 30, 2017 | Android, Apple, phone, security
On Tuesday, the word spread that Apple’s latest release of its operating system for Mac computers, MacOS High Sierra, had a terrible, dangerous problem. Anyone could sit down at any Mac computer and in seconds log in to an administrator account, with full permission...
Nov 15, 2017 | mail, security, spam
Do not click on links in email messages unless you are 100% certain they lead somewhere you want to go. We are being assaulted by a torrent of phony email messages from criminals. The messages look legitimate. The links lead to fake websites that will try to steal...
Sep 4, 2017 | Apple, Microsoft, security
(This is a slightly modified version of an article originally published on March 2, 2016. Phony warnings about viruses continue to be the most common online scam in 2017.) If your computer displays a message while you are browsing the Internet claiming that you have...
Jul 29, 2017 | mail, Microsoft, security, spam
Let’s track down a bad guy. Looking through the clues will help you catch the next criminal that tries to trick you with a malicious email message. I received many reports last week of phony messages that appeared to be from Microsoft, Paypal, and others. There are...