Apr 10, 2016 | hardware, LastPass, Lenovo, Microsoft, security, Surface, Windows10
You should think about getting a fingerprint reader on your next laptop. There are only a few available today but that will change in the next few months. Fingerprint readers have become more common on phones. Faster and more accurate fingerprint sensors on phones...
Mar 2, 2016 | Apple, Microsoft, security
If you receive a call from someone who offers technical support or who claims your computer has been hacked or infected with a virus, hang up. You are talking to criminals and they are lying to you. If your computer displays a message while you are browsing the...
Feb 28, 2016 | mail, Office, security
Are you scared yet? You should be quaking every time you sit down at your computer. It gets worse every day. Locky is the latest virus sweeping the globe. It arrives as a Word or Excel email attachment that appears to be an invoice. When you open it, the contents are...
Feb 24, 2016 | Android, Apple, Google, news, Politics, security
There are three points that are frequently overlooked in the debate about the FBI’s demand that Apple provide custom access to a terrorist’s locked iPhone. • Apple is not defying a court order • The FBI is seeking a broad precedent ...
Feb 17, 2016 | Apple, Box, Office, phone, photos, security, web_services
Box continues to knock me out with its smart choices of apps and features for small businesses. Last week Box announced another essential addition to its lineup. Box Capture is an iOS app for document scanning that integrates directly into your business processes and...
Feb 4, 2016 | domains, security, spam
If you get an email urging you to take fast action because your business domain name is about to be registered by someone in China, throw it away. It’s a scam. There has been a resurgence of these in the last few months. I’ve gotten a few and several clients have...