Oct 10, 2013 | Microsoft, Office, security, updates, Windows7, Windows8
For ten years Microsoft has released security updates for Windows and Office on the second Tuesday of each month, the fabled “Patch Tuesday.” This week Microsoft patched two particularly nasty Internet Explorer bugs, so-called “zero day exploits” that are already...
Aug 28, 2013 | Android, Apple, iPad, Microsoft, phone, security, Surface, tablet, Windows Phone 8
It’s widely expected that Apple will add a fingerprint reader to the next iPhone, scheduled to be announced on September 10. If the rumors are right, your thumb will unlock the phone when you press the button at the bottom. To be successful, it has to be nearly 100%...
Aug 18, 2013 | Android, Google, security
Since the early days, Google has proclaimed that one of its core values is: “Don’t be evil.” Faith in that slogan is being tested as Google matures into a corporate behemoth. Its reputation was not helped last week by a couple of tone-deaf responses to security and...
Jul 21, 2013 | bruceb, security, software, updates
On Patch Tuesday this month, Microsoft released an upgrade to Microsoft Security Essentials, the security program used by just about everyone. The program itself is being updated – it’s more than just new virus definitions – and it was supposed to be installed...
Jun 17, 2013 | Facebook, Internet, security, web_services
LinkedIn is increasingly being used by small and medium-size businesses for marketing, recruiting, and networking. I’ll give you a bit of background in case you’re not familiar with LinkedIn, then point out one of its features that can seem creepy if you’re not...