CryptoLocker Is A New Security Nightmare

CryptoLocker is a new variety of malware that is genuinely awful. You should be afraid. Starting now, you should redouble your efforts to live by the Rules For Computer Safety, especially these two:   —  Never, never, never open email attachments unless you know...

Google’s Tone-Deaf Comments On Security And Privacy

Since the early days, Google has proclaimed that one of its core values is: “Don’t be evil.” Faith in that slogan is being tested as Google matures into a corporate behemoth. Its reputation was not helped last week by a couple of tone-deaf responses to security and...

LinkedIn And Creepy Connections

LinkedIn is increasingly being used by small and medium-size businesses for marketing, recruiting, and networking. I’ll give you a bit of background in case you’re not familiar with LinkedIn, then point out one of its features that can seem creepy if you’re not...