Apr 9, 2012 | Amazon, Apple, iPad, security, wireless
A nasty bit of malware named “Flashback” has reportedly infected 600,000 Macs worldwide, more than half located in the US. Here’s some news coverage when the announcement was made last week by a Russian security company, followed by corroboration by Kaspersky Lab....
Mar 15, 2012 | Microsoft, SBS, security, updates, Vista, Windows7, WinXP
On Patch Tuesday, Microsoft delivered a small number of fairly unimportant updates – and one security patch that is being pushed with unusual urgency. Your individual computers are installing this automatically. If your computer restarted this week, you’re up to...
Mar 7, 2012 | Android, Apple, Dropbox, file_sharing, iPad, mail, mobile, OneNote, Outlook, phone, security, tablet, web_services
As much as we all hate remembering passwords and thinking about security, it’s hard to ignore the constant headlines on the front page about hacking and security and privacy. You’re getting better. You’re well trained to practice safe computing on your home and office...
Jan 19, 2012 | computers, Internet, security, Vista, Windows7, WinXP
These are the rules for being safe using a Windows computer in 2012. Memorize them, forward them to your friends, post them on Facebook, alert the troops, sound the alarm, and walk from door to door passing them out to your neighbors! If a web site brings something up...
Jan 12, 2012 | Facebook, Google, Google+, security, web_services
MyPermissions.org does something very simple and very helpful – and it might be an eye-opener for some of you. The site has gathered shortcuts to the pages that list the permissions you’ve granted to access your information on eight social networking services:...
Jan 1, 2012 | Amazon, bruceb, computers, IE, laptops, Microsoft, security, web_services, Windows7
LogMeIn has moved far ahead of its competitors for working with computers remotely. It introduced major changes to its product lineup a couple of days before Christmas – not a good time to get much attention but an appropriate time to deliver lovely presents, since...