Mar 10, 2011 | Google, IE, Microsoft, security, software, updates
It’s probably a coincidence that major updates are being released for Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Google Chrome within a few days of each other. It’s also not very meaningful for most people. Although each upgrade has something that the developers claim is new and...
Mar 9, 2011 | Adobe, bruceb, security, updates, web_services
I’m finishing a busy month rolling out the software agent that monitors workstations and installs updates to Java, Flash, Adobe Acrobat & Reader, and more. On Friday, clients will get the first weekly reports on the health of their servers and workstations. I’m...
Feb 11, 2011 | mail, Microsoft, Outlook, security, web_services
Previously: Fear of Exchange Moving Mail Online With Microsoft Online Services Details About Microsoft Online Services Some background, then some specific instructions about how to deal with the password for Microsoft Online Services. Sections below: Background Change...
Feb 7, 2011 | IE, security
Here’s a simple insight that bears repeating. It will help keep you safe. Most malware is delivered by poisoned web sites that take advantage of some weakness in your system – usually because the computer is not up to date on recent patches for Windows, Java,...
Jan 30, 2011 | Microsoft, security, software, updates, Vista, Windows7, WinXP
If you use Microsoft Security Essentials for antivirus protection, keep an eye on the icon in the lower right. The exclamation point means it’s ready to install the upgrade to version 2, released a few weeks ago as a manual upgrade and now being rolled out to everyone...
Jan 24, 2011 | bruceb, business, computers, remote, SBS, security, software, updates, Vista, web_services, Windows7, WinXP
I am excited to announce a new service for all my clients – patching and updating your workstations. Bruceb Consulting Monitoring will review and install updates to Windows, Office, Firefox, Java, Flash, Adobe Reader, and other important programs and utilities –...