Sep 22, 2010 | business, Microsoft, OneCare, security, software
Microsoft Security Essentials is simply the best security program currently available for Windows computers. Installing MSE is on the short list of chores that I insist on doing for every computer I work on. The license terms are being changed to permit it to be used...
Aug 30, 2010 | Internet, security, web_services
Previously: Passwords: computer login Passwords: e-mail Passwords: Google Accounts & Windows Live ID Passwords: password managers Passwords: online passwords and LastPass Let’s go over a few facts of life. No one is enjoying the need to have a lot of passwords....
Aug 5, 2010 | business, Google, law, Microsoft, SBS, security, web_services
Previously: The Sad State Of Law Office Software I’m going to work up to specific products, but let’s start with the concept of storing valuable, confidential data in the cloud, on servers run by some big company. As a lawyer in a small firm, think of the scariest...
Aug 3, 2010 | Microsoft, security, updates, Vista, Windows7, WinXP
Microsoft released a patch yesterday that should be installed promptly on all Windows computers. Most of you will find that it was installed automatically on Monday night. If your computer restarted last night, you’re almost certainly fine – but be alert in case the...
Jul 26, 2010 | Facebook, Internet, security, web_services
When I joined Facebook, I was asked if Facebook could rummage through my Outlook address book looking for a match with other Facebook users. I politely responded, no, absolutely not, thank you very much, and I thought that was the end of it. My Facebook page fired up...