Jan 11, 2010 | IE, Internet, security, software, web_services
Previously: Passwords: computer login Passwords: e-mail Passwords: Google Accounts & Windows Live ID Password: password managers LastPass will help you manage all of your online passwords. You should learn about it, install it, and use it every day. This is...
Jan 8, 2010 | security, software
Got a system yet? Today I just want you to step back and look at the scope of the problem. At the moment passwords are the only method of authentication in widespread use. There are lots of alternatives for more security or easier use – facial recognition,...
Jan 5, 2010 | mail, Outlook, security
Previously: Passwords: computer login Each of your e-mail addresses has a separate password – a particularly important one to keep in your records. If you use Outlook or Windows Live Mail, the program may have memorized the password; I frequently talk to people who...
Jan 4, 2010 | computers, domains, Home_Server, SBS, security
There is more frustration with passwords than almost any other part of our interactions with computers. Part of the frustration is the difficulty of remembering them, of course, but there is also no consistency to help you understand when a password is required or...
Dec 28, 2009 | Microsoft, security, software
If you got a new Windows 7 computer for Xmas, I hope you thought about security before you spent too much time playing online. I know, it’s not very exciting, but it needs to be done. I’m spending Monday morning trying to recover data from a computer that was taken...
Dec 17, 2009 | bruceb, computers, security, Vista, WinXP
Keeping your computer up to date is the only way to be secure. If your home or office computer needs housekeeping, I’m standing by to clean things up. I’ll install security updates, remove unnecessary programs, and put on powerful, free antivirus software from...