Sep 29, 2009 | Microsoft, security, software
Microsoft Security Essentials, free antivirus and anti-malware security software from Microsoft, is now available from the MSE web site. Click here for the Microsoft press release, or click here for more information about Microsoft Security Essentials.If you want to...
Sep 22, 2009 | Microsoft, security, software, Vista, Windows7, WinXP
Microsoft will soon release Microsoft Security Essentials, free antivirus and anti-malware software for computers running Windows 7, Vista, or Windows XP. It is simple to install, effective, requires no attention, and uses almost no system resources. It is completely...
Sep 2, 2009 | Internet, security, web_services
There are already too many passwords in your life, but you’ve got to sigh and get over it. You’re going to have to pick better passwords and you’re going to have to remember them. The next generation of devices and web services, arriving within the next six months,...
Aug 7, 2009 | Apple, security, software
I started to install an update to Java tonight. (Java is up to version 6, update 15. Sometimes it feels like Java updates are issued two or three times a day. It’s okay to install Java updates when you’re prompted by the icon in the lower right corner. It’s boring and...
Jul 30, 2009 | business, Internet, security, shopping
This is a cautionary tale to make you careful online shoppers. It strikes close to home for me because it involves, a favorite of mine at one time, but the scam is also used on Orbitz, Fandango and other sites. When opened its online doors in the late...