Jul 27, 2009 | Google, IE, Internet, security
Lots of people have installed Firefox to do their Internet browsing. Sometimes, out of curiosity, I ask people why they use it instead of Internet Explorer. There are people who can give an articulate, well-reasoned answer to that question, although as it happens I...
Jul 22, 2009 | IE, security
There’s some new wording on a security warning in Internet Explorer 8 that nearly drove me nuts. If you don’t like it either, instructions to disable it are below. All too often after I installed Internet Explorer 8, I’d click on a website and Internet Explorer would...
Jul 15, 2009 | OneCare, security, software, Vista
Starting on July 14, some Vista computers began displaying erroneous warning messages from the Windows Security Center. If you run Windows Live OneCare on a Vista machine, you may see a shield with an X in the lower right corner. Opening the Windows Security Center...
Jun 30, 2009 | OneCare, security, software
If you have a subscription to Windows Live OneCare, you are covered until the choices for security software are more clear towards the end of 2009. Keep using OneCare. Your OneCare subscription will not expire. Starting last month, Microsoft began extending OneCare...
Jun 19, 2009 | Microsoft, OneCare, security, Vista, Windows7, WinXP
On June 23, Microsoft will release a beta version of Microsoft Security Essentials, the free antivirus program that is replacing Windows Live OneCare. Microsoft is now allowing journalists to write about the new program so a flurry of stories appeared today from...
Jun 14, 2009 | Microsoft, OneCare, security
Windows Live OneCare will be completely off the market at the end of June (although Microsoft will continue to issue virus definition updates for another year). When Microsoft announced that it was killing OneCare, the company added that it would be releasing free...