Jun 10, 2009 | Adobe, Apple, Microsoft, security
I wonder sometimes if the relentless onslaughts by the bad guys will ever be beaten back so we can use our tools in peace. This group of news items caught my eye today in an email newsletter – yeah, it was a busy day, but this is the interesting updates for just one...
Jun 8, 2009 | Microsoft, security, Vista, WinXP
Microsoft will release ten updates for Windows and Microsoft Office tonight, following its usual monthly schedule. Leave your computer on and expect it to restart overnight.In addition, Adobe will release updates on Tuesday, the first quarterly security updates for...
Jun 7, 2009 | Adobe, Apple, backup, IE, Microsoft, security, Vista, WinXP
Here’s an updated list of ways to be safe and secure with your computer. Install updates from Microsoft promptly. Look in the lower right corner for the gold shield (WinXP) or update icon (Vista). Install updates to Acrobat, Flash, Java, and Quicktime promptly. Each...
May 31, 2009 | Adobe, security, software
Adobe Acrobat has been the target for some very nasty attacks by the bad guys this year. In March, all versions of Acrobat got a major update to close a hole that theoretically allowed a computer to be possessed just by hovering over a link to an evil PDF file. It was...
May 19, 2009 | IE, security, Vista, Windows7, WinXP
Many of you have now gotten Internet Explorer 8, the latest version of Microsoft’s web browser. The rest of you can expect to see it soon, as it is pushed out through the Automatic Update system. (You’ve got IE8 if you have some extra buttons next to the “Favorites”...
Apr 19, 2009 | security, software
If you’re running the free version of AVG antivirus, you may have seen a window appear unexpectedly in the middle of your screen. That’s a legitimate message. But let’s take a step back, because it reflects poor judgment on AVG’s part. That’s not how I expect to be...