Aug 10, 2008 | IE, Internet, security, spam
There is a massive spam attack underway masquerading as messages from The first set of messages had links to the “Top 10 Headlines” and “Top 10 Videos”; now there are new variations presenting a “custom news alert.”...
Aug 9, 2008 | humor, security
Aug 8, 2008 | IE, security, software
There are frequent updates for Java, the technology used by many web sites to make interesting things happen in your browser. You’ve probably seen the Java update bubble popping up far too often down in the lower right corner of the screen. The updates are...
Jul 30, 2008 | audio, backup, broadband, bruceb, computers, file_sharing, hardware, mobile, phone, photos, printers, SBS, security, software, video, web_services
On the assumption that my choices are endlessly fascinating to an ever-growing number of people – really, really bored people – I’ve added a page with details about the hardware and software that I use here at the high-tech headquarters of bruceb...