Oct 15, 2008 | Microsoft, Office, security, Vista, WinXP
Microsoft released security updates on Tuesday night, following its normal monthly schedule. Your computer should have restarted during the night. We’re all overwhelmed by updates but we’re stuck with them. The holes fixed today are the ones that the bad...
Oct 7, 2008 | mail, security, spam
There are reports of increased phishing attacks purporting to be messages from various banks. Be alert! The bad guys create email messages that appear to be from banks, with links to malicious web sites that attempt to install viruses or adware or fool you into...
Sep 24, 2008 | computers, security, Vista
Make a firm commitment not to be fooled into installing malware on your computer!In this study, researchers created fake popup windows that should have been alarming, and put them in front of people at unexpected times. Most of the people clicked the OK button so...
Aug 10, 2008 | IE, Internet, security, spam
There is a massive spam attack underway masquerading as messages from CNN.com. The first set of messages had links to the “Top 10 Headlines” and “Top 10 Videos”; now there are new variations presenting a “custom news alert.”...
Aug 9, 2008 | humor, security