Aug 8, 2008 | IE, security, software
There are frequent updates for Java, the technology used by many web sites to make interesting things happen in your browser. You’ve probably seen the Java update bubble popping up far too often down in the lower right corner of the screen. The updates are...
Jul 30, 2008 | audio, backup, broadband, bruceb, computers, file_sharing, hardware, mobile, phone, photos, printers, SBS, security, software, video, web_services
On the assumption that my choices are endlessly fascinating to an ever-growing number of people – really, really bored people – I’ve added a page with details about the hardware and software that I use here at the high-tech headquarters of bruceb...
Jul 24, 2008 | mail, security, spam
The latest outbreak of virus-laden spam purports to be a message from UPS about an undeliverable package. The attachment is a ZIP file with an executable program inside that does something evil – blows up a cruise boat or something. These messages appear and...
Jul 17, 2008 | business, computers, hardware, Microsoft, SBS, security
Small Business Server 2008, the successor to SBS 2003, will ship on November 12. The first few months will reveal any lingering issues and clarify the procedure for migrating to the new platform from SBS 2003. In early 2009, I’ll be talking about it to my...
Jul 11, 2008 | OneCare, security
If you are using Windows Live OneCare, it will be automatically upgraded to version 2.5 in the next few days. You don’t need to do anything. The new version does not change anything you will notice – it fixes a few problems, speeds things up a bit, and set...