Jun 30, 2008 | computers, hardware, Office, security, shopping, Vista
[Originally posted November 26, 2007] Thinking about a new computer – home, home office, small business? Let me give you some generalizations that will help you get started. (As always, gamers will be looking for faster processors and hard drives, more memory,...
Jun 26, 2008 | hardware, network, security
You probably have a router or firewall device on your network – the little box that your DSL or cable modem plugs into. Make sure you’ve changed the default password on the router! Virtually every router is designed to display a control panel when you put...
Jun 8, 2008 | computers, security, software, web_services
I wrote a few months ago about the difficulty of dealing with the endless flood of software updates that is slowly draining our will to live. Microsoft’s system of delivering automatic overnight upgrades once a month is manageable, but the bad guys are now...
May 31, 2008 | IE, security
When I’m online with Internet Explorer, I frequently see this warning before a page is displayed: Some security measures – like Vista’s UAC – are momentary pauses for a second thought about whether you truly initiated some action on purpose....
May 30, 2008 | parents, security
Cory Doctorow is one of the most interesting science fiction authors working today, as well as an editor and frequent contributor to Boing Boing, one of the most popular blogs in the world. His new book, Little Brother, is a young adult novel about a high school...
May 30, 2008 | IE, security
Adobe Flash Player is installed as an add-on to Internet Explorer on almost everyone’s computer. It’s become the ubiquitous way to display online videos from YouTube and all the other sites streaming video. Now there’s another security flaw that has...