Nov 15, 2007 | backup, network, OneCare, security
At some point next week, computers running Windows Live OneCare will automatically be upgraded to OneCare 2.0. Apparently the intent is to make the update automatic and invisible; it’s free to existing subscribers.New features are integrated into the familiar...
Oct 24, 2007 | Adobe, security
Do not open unexpected PDF e-mail attachments!Do not open any unexpected e-mail attachments!Got that? Good. Then we can move on to an important security update from Adobe.If you are running Windows XP and Acrobat 8 (any version), then open Acrobat and click on Help /...
Oct 17, 2007 | security, Vista
There’s some evidence that Windows has become secure enough that the bad guys that write viruses and rootkits and phishing attacks are looking elsewhere.It’s anecdotal so far and the defenders of other OSes will find other explanations, but the idea makes...
Sep 21, 2007 | parents, security, software
Costco doesn’t always have great deals on software any more, but occasionally something turns up. If for some reason you haven’t bought your copy of Windows Live OneCare yet, you can buy it at Costco through Sunday for $4.99. No rebate – that’s...
Aug 14, 2007 | security, Vista, WinXP
Microsoft will release nine security updates today, on its regular monthly schedule. If your computer is set to install updates automatically, then your computer will restart. Close all programs but leave the computer running tonight!It’s possible (but not...
Aug 12, 2007 | Microsoft, security, web_services
There are more web services in our future, and your entrance to each of them will be controlled by a name and a password. If you don’t already have some method of tracking your passwords, it’s time to get organized.Microsoft intended its Passport service...