Mar 1, 2007 | Microsoft, Office, photos, security, software, video, web_services
The post-holiday lull has ended, Vista is out the door, so we’re back to a nonstop barrage of new products and services. Here’s what stood out in the last week.Adobe will offer a free online version of Photoshop in a few months. If the service proceeds as...
Feb 26, 2007 | OneCare, security
Here’s a tale that will send a chill down your spine, about one of the worst software bugs I’ve ever run into. This is truly hideous, confidence shattering stuff.The buggy software is Windows Live OneCare. Now I’m going to tell you a terrible story,...
Jan 26, 2007 | OneCare, security
Version 1.5 of Windows Live OneCare began to be rolled out a couple of days ago. If you are currently using OneCare, you will be updated automatically. When the process goes smoothly, it is completely silent – you will have no idea it happened. (If you open...
Jan 16, 2007 | OneCare, security, WinXP
The upcoming update to Windows Live OneCare version 1.5 is going to have one unexpected wrinkle – the kind that makes people feel confused and overwhelmed.It starts with a wonderful advance in OneCare. In the new version, OneCare completely integrates protection...
Jan 15, 2007 | OneCare, security, WinXP
Windows Live OneCare users will receive an automatic update to version 1.5 at the end of January. Most changes are modest, but there will be more options for backups – they’ll be able to be scheduled more often and sent to network drives in addition to...
Dec 10, 2006 | security, Vista
You may have seen news coverage of complaints by Symantec, McAfee and others about security changes in Vista. Basically they complain that Vista’s security is locked up so tightly that they are unable to take over the system in the way they think is best for...